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Academic Conversation Placemats


Get your students talking about text! Building students’ knowledge of academic language is essential for academic success. These Academic Conversation Placemats use sentence frames to encourage students to speak in complete sentences with varying degrees of grammatical complexity.


These placemats were created to be used with both fiction and non-fiction text. They promote discussion around text, which research shows increases reading comprehension.

Each placemat begins with having students prepare to read by making predictions or looking at text features. Then, as students read, they use the placemats to engage in conversations about the text depending on the purpose of the reading (e.g. compare and contrast, cause and effect. . .). Finally, after reading, students engage in higher-order thinking by discussing theme, lessons, morals, connections to self, character traits, and more.

These can be used in partner conversations, small group discussions, Socratic Seminar, during read alouds, or books clubs.


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