Writing is a foundational skill that may seem scary to both teachers and students. It is a necessary skill which fosters communication, creativity, and critical thinking. In kindergarten, first, and second grades, students are exploring the different facets of writing and how they fit into the world as an author. Writing is a skill that is the culmination of many other skills, and it can feel like a daunting task for young writers. This article dives into the many layers of writing in the elementary classroom and how teachers can create a supportive environment for students to grow, explore, and build their confidence as writers.
Elementary Writing Skills
Writing skills for elementary students varies from student to student. You've probably seen the various stages of writing development in your classroom at some point. Once you have an idea of each level, it begins to make sense why students aren't using some of the skills you've taught ad nauseum. Understanding a child's stage of development makes lightbulbs go off especially when you compare it to their reading abilities. Here's a quick rundown:
- Pre-Literate: scribbles, drawings, letter-like shapes
- Emergent: use of letters and environmental print
- Transitional: letter (generally initial consonants or initial and beginning consonants)
- Fluent: conventional spelling and writing
So, let's be honest, if a child is at the pre-literate or emergent stage, you probably won't notice the conventions you've taught. However when a child “reads” the writing to you, they'll probably be able to demonstrate it orally.
Supportive Writing Environment
I once had a first grade student who was struggling with writing. The first time she shared her writing with the class–her choice–she was at the emergent stage. I couldn't make sense of the words and neither could she. She could, however, make sense of the pictures, which were awesome. Not great artist awesome, but they told a story. So after she shared, I gave her a compliment. And it was the most sincere compliment of “Annie, you told the best story with your pictures!” She grinned from ear to ear with pride.
It wasn't that Annie didn't need to make improvements or that she didn't have writing goals. Looking past what she couldn't do and praising her for what she could do sparked a fire under her. This isn't the first student I have had this success with. My point is, you might see a student's writing and feel discourage. Try not to feel that way and look for the good because that's where the money is.
Read Building a Community of Eager and Excited Writers for more ideas for getting kids to love writing.
Writing Goals
So this is where teachers would want to begin thinking about elementary writing goals. Yes, Annie drew great detailed pictures, but what's next? Well, for sure we need to work on writing words. That will come with phonics instruction, but I needed to foster that. I needed to remind her of the new spelling skills she was learning and focus on those as we worked on writing.
You're probably wondering, “How do you help each student?” Well, I have an idea for you. Take an inventory of your students' writing needs and make groups out of those needs. You can read more about it here in Writing Goals: An Easy to Follow Step-by-Step Guide.

Traits of Writing
This leads us to the traits of writing. While we know that some kids are in the drawing pictures stage and some are writing fluently, they can all possess the characteristics of good writing.
The traits of writing include:
- Ideas
- Organization
- Word Choice
- Voice
- Sentence Fluency
- Conventions
- Presentation

While some students are drawing and some are writing, they can both tell stories. Some through oral story telling with pictures and some with words and pictures. Here I have more about the 6 Traits of Writing for Little Ones and how you can foster writing growth not just in spelling and conventions, but with with ideas and using words that bring writing to life.
The Writing Process
The writing process consists of steps that any writer would take to when writing. The steps can look differently in each classroom, but the steps are pretty standard. The writing process 5 steps are:
- Plan
- Prewrite
- Rough Draft
- Revise
- Edit
- Publish

Want to get your hands on this resource? Sign up for The Nook where you can find high quality writing resources for elementary students.
Elementary Writing Organization
Organization can come in the form of students organization, teacher organization, and classroom organization. There's so much to think of when planning! Where will the students store their writing? How will I keep myself organized? What about the classroom!? Where do we store all of the resources?
Student Organization
Well, I've got you covered. Student writing is relatively simple. You'll need one folder for each student and some labels that read “still working” and “finished. Place the labels on the two pockets and students can store their writing inside. Elementary writing folders will be one of your students top used resources for the year.

Teacher Organization
To keep you organized, digital lesson plans are the way to go. Lesson plans in one place will simplify planning for you and give you extra time for things like leaving school on time to get home to your kids or fur babies.
Each lesson has a digital presentation and activities to increase your students' understanding of writing. The lesson build off the writing process, the six traits of writing, and can work perfectly in your writing workshop. Not only that, there are extra resources that can be used in centers to keep your kids working on their writing skills. Get started with narrative writing with this resource and you'll thank yourself later. Get your Narrative Writing Bundle!

Elementary Classroom Organization
Finally, classroom organization. Creating an environment that encourages writing takes a bit of planning. Kids love having a variety of materials from writing and illustrations tools, revising and editing tools, and engagement tools.
Mentor texts are by my favorite. I get a little too excited when I'm reading to my students and give them ideas to use in their own writing. After, I place those books in a special box and the kids can go back and take a look for ideas of their own.
Another tool, which isn't pictured, are small slinkies. Students can use these to help them stretch words and learn to spell independently. First, model how to say a word slowly as you stretch a slinky. Then let your students use them while they're writing.
As with any tool in the classroom, remind students these are tools and not toys.

Writing workshop organization can be time consuming, but once it's done, it's done. Let me help you. . . check out The Nook for writing workshop paper choices and other valuable resources.
Fostering writing skills in elementary students is an ongoing journey that requires creativity, patience, and dedication. But this begins with placing value on the tone set in the classroom. Begin by having an approach that meets each child where they are. Doing so will give students the confidence to create and stretch beyond their comfort zones without hesitation.