Have you ever felt like you were answering the same questions over and over again only to find yourself answering the same questions over and over again? As teachers, we try every trick in the book to help students rely more on themselves than us. My favorite is “ask three, then me.” But I tend to remember this one at the end of the year for some reason. Back to the point. . . stop repeating yourself and give your students writing resources for primary students that will guarantee your students will solve their problems and you'll have more time to tackle more important things.
Writing Offices

A writing office can provide information for writers and give students privacy to work. They're all-in-one writing resources for primary students with the alphabet, transition words, punctuation chart, and a word wall. Students can simply pick up a writing office, take it to their seat, and get to work. And guess what? You can get other things done instead of helping a student spell the word because!
Alphabet Chart

Alphabet charts are great for students who are still learning the letters names and sounds. It's also a helpful tool for students that are still working on forming capital and lowercase letters. This chart is in a student's writing folder, but they can be in any location as long as students know where they are.
Blends and Digraphs Chart

This chart is similar to an alphabet chart. Students will find blends and digraphs, which tend to give young readers and writers a bit of trouble. The pictures help remind students of the sounds and they will begin to build confidence.
Word Wall

Word walls can be filled with high frequency words or words based on spelling patterns. Choose a word wall that works best for your students. This is a word wall with the high frequency words taught in first grade.
Transition Words

Transition word charts are similar to a word wall in that these words are written often. Hopefully students become familiar with these words and begin to write them with automaticity. Until then this chart is quite helpful.
Mentor Texts

Books are a great resource for students. Once students are familiar with reading like a writer, they'll use mentor texts as a resource for improving their writing. This will take modeling, but well worth the time spent.
File Folder Word Walls
File folder word walls are thematic word walls that students can use anytime they're writing. Store them in an area that students can pick up and use when needed. You can find them here!
Paper Choice

Paper choice may not seem like a big deal, but students do have a preference. Give students the opportunity to choose what allows them to work best.
Anchor Charts

Next are anchor charts. As long as you refer to charts on a regular basis, students will use them as a writing resource. Keep them in the same place and use them as you model writing. You can read more about writing workshop anchor charts here.
Color Dictionary

Have you seen a color dictionary? You will be as fascinated with it as your students. It's a dictionary with clever color names that students can use in their writing. So instead of writing the yellow sun melted my ice cream, your students can use the color dictionary to write the lemon yellow sun melted my ice cream.
Students love using this resource to add some fun to their writing and it is so enjoyable to read.
A partner can be a great resource for students. They can help with ideas, processes, spelling, and the list goes on. Pair students with someone you believe will work well together. Not only will they find writing more enjoyable with a partner, but they'll hold each other accountable.
Providing just-right resources for primary students can make a huge difference. They will help bring the joy to writing for you and your students. You can find many of these recourses in the literacy library of The Nook. Go check it out!